Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Lifestyle Management?

The goal of Lifestyle Management is to provide options, and ultimately, a solution for people who neither have the time, nor the desire, to handle all the details of their personal lives no matter how big or small. Whether you’re looking for assistance with day-to-day tasks like wardrobe management, banking, pet-sitting and vehicle assistance or you have larger, less frequent needs such as luxury travel research, relocation or creating an unforgettable special event — our team will take care of everything.

What is Home Management?

The goal of Home Management is to provide unique assistance, guidance and support to clients who are traveling, looking to reinvent their space or who simply want a hand with their home affairs and projects. Whether it’s receiving deliveries, organizing kitchen cabinets or working with your design team, we’ll take care of all your needs. We guarantee hands-on management, so anything that may arise is identified and resolved before it ever becomes an “issue”. Your needs are always our priority, so you never have to wonder or worry.

What is Home Watch and why do I need this?

Home Watch, sometimes called a Home Check, is a visual inspection of a home or property looking for obvious issues. Home Watch inspections should be carried out by a Home Watch Inspector, a person who works for a Home Watch company. The company should be properly insured, bonded and preferably accredited and certified by the National Home Watch Association (NHWA).

Why is a Home Watch company recommended? In a word, accountability. Home Watch companies, especially those accredited by the NHWA and whose inspectors are certified by the NHWA to perform home watch duties, are professionals. This is our business — it’s what we do.

From our Weekly Home Checks and Concierge assistance to Seasonal Send-offs and Welcome Back Services, The Opal Group adheres to the most professional standards. We know what to look for and understand what it takes to properly inspect your home, keeping you and your loved ones safe and sound.

Why do I need a Lifestyle and/or Home Manager?

A Lifestyle/Home manager is always available — day or night — to assist you. Be it finding a housekeeper or handyman, recommending the right piano teacher, organizing your closets, feeding your pets or plants, facilitating home maintenance, planning luxury travel, creating one-of-a-kind “experiences” or basic day-to-day “asks”, our expert facilitation team coupled with our qualified vendor network, are an unparalleled asset in your life.

What does The Opal Group do?

As your Lifestyle and Home Manager, The Opal Group will act on your behalf, serving as your agent, your “eyes and ears” on the ground, and your liaison, especially when suppliers of consumer or commercial goods and services are involved. Our goal is to provide stress-free experiences in all areas of your life, as well as in your household. Our team of expert facilitators exist to balance your work and family life by handling a wide range of tasks. From expected to extraordinary, we’ve got you covered. More quality time, less strain on you. It’s not a better way — it’s the only way — to live.

How does The Opal Group handle my need for privacy?

Most of our clients are in the public eye or the top one percent and prize their privacy. We understand that need and feel compelled to exercise complete discretion at every turn. We also offer a non-disclosure agreement from the beginning of our working relationship, reassuring you that confidentiality, prudence and good judgement are what we practice.

Is The Opal Group considered a “personal assistant”?

We are life managers, not personal assistants, so while we are happy to handle most all of your tasks and offer a wide breadth of services that will free up your time, we are not continually available to you. All services should be scheduled in advance so that we may properly service your needs.

What makes The Opal Group different from other Home Watch, Concierge and Property Management companies?

With more than 30 years of hands-on experience in almost all related fields, The Opal Group provides outstanding amenities and world-class service with a professionalism that is second to none.

What if I do not see the service that I need?

No worries, just ask. We are here for you — if it is within our capabilities, we’ll be happy to do it.

What is the process to begin working with The Opal Group?

If you are reading this, then you have found our website! Please take a few minutes to explore. If you are interested in our services — or would simply like to learn more — contact us via email or phone. A member of our team will get back to you before the end of the day.

Can I add or subtract services throughout the duration of my contract?

Of course! As your needs evolve and change, so will your scope of services — just let us know.

Can I recommend my own vendors/companies?

While we have preferred vendors who are vetted, licensed and insured — we always want to make sure our clients are happy, so simply let us know who you are currently working with or would prefer to have on your project — and we’ll make it happen.

Is The Opal Group credentialed and insured?

The answer to all of the above is “yes”. We are certified, accredited, insured and bonded. We take great pride in providing our clients with facilitators who have been personally trained and understand the importance of being a consummate professional.

Does The Opal Group keep business hours?

While we are officially “open” from 8am to 5pm, we are happy to make ourselves available upon request.

What if I have an emergency during non-business hours?

No worries. This is one of the best reasons to hire us. We are available and at your service 24 hours a day. Just give us a call. If we do not answer straightaway, then someone from our team will return your call within the hour. We will assess each situation to determine the proper action.